Book Review - Raising Twins

29 August 2011

          Raising Twins by Shelly Vasiri Flais

Before I start my review, a word about the author: Shelly Vaziri Flais is a pediatrician mom to four children including a set of identical twin boys. She also happened to have 4 children all under 4 years old at some point in her life. When I read that, my respect for her went up a few notches.

I saw this book in the library and I was about to pass on it as I thought it was another survival-guide-for-the-first-few-months type book. When I saw that it covered topics up to the twins being 4 years old, I decided to give it a shot. I wasn't expecting much but I ended up being pleasantly disappointed.

I thought I read a lot of books before having the babies, but I still wish I had read this as well. In reading it, it quickly becomes obvious that it IS written by a mom who's "been there done that". The book's tone is very helpful without being preachy or wordy. It's an easy read sectioned by age from the pre-baby days to pre-school and beyond.

The best part of this book? Scattered all over are little boxes with Twin Tips. Here's a few I really liked
*Store extra emergency baby supplies in your car so you're ready for anything* I learnt this the hard way
*Expect your twins to have different appetites on different days* I needed to hear this
*When the twins are grown, they will appreciate that you treated them as individuals and not as a unit by singing "Happy Birthday" for each of them specifically*

Verdict: I'm glad I got to read this.

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