Baby Menu Planners

22 June 2011

Now that I'm making my own baby food, it's time to start planning the girls' menu a couple of weeks in advance. This will help me know what to include on my shopping list. 

A few handy online resources for baby menu planning that I've used are

Babyfood101 - There's a free email subscription for a baby food course, a searchable database, grocery guides etc. I really like them

Cuisinart's baby menu planner - I didn't expect cuisinart to have a menu planner but somehow they do. For this, you select the baby's feeding stage and they generate a menu with food options for you. You still get to choose within the food options generated. This also gives you an option for generating a recipe for selected meals. Major Like

Gerber menu planner - I daresay I don't like Gerber for anything. I had a bad experience with their clothing and I'm not a fan of their baby food. The menu planner is no exception. It's all nice and shiny but it seems to me that a baby will be grossly overfed if I follow their plan. It's still worth a look though

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