The No-Cry Discipline Solution

24 September 2012

In my ongoing pursuit of discipline tips for toddlers, I went to the library to borrow The Happiest Toddler on the Block. Unfortunately, it was out on loan so I borrowed The No-Cry Discipline Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. This is a review of the book.  

Contents: The book is divided into 4 sections. The first section deals with the parentin attitudes essential for No-Cry Discipline. The second section deals with parenting skills and tools. The third section deals with staying calm and avoiding anger. In the last section, the author shares tips for specific situations. 

My Review: I found the third section to be the most useful because it encourages a parent to dissociate their perception of a child's misbehaviour from the child's actual thoughts. In other words, a misbehaving child is not an indictment of failure on a parent. Apart from this section, I found it hard to relate to or accept the advice this book was advocating. Most of the suggested skills and tools in section 2 just didn't click with me and I found only a few of the tips in section 4 applicable for my unique situation as a mother trying to discipline toddler twins.  

I wasn't too enthusiastic about borrowing this book because I suspected it would lean towards the principles of attachment parenting and I was right. There's nothing wrong with attachment parenting, it's just not my style. I will be going back to the library to stalk the Happiest Baby on the Block  

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