Pre-poo: Pre-poo means to prepare the hair for shampooing. I do this by massaging in some olive oil (yes the one in the kitchen). This happens Friday evening after taking out the previous braids
Shampoo or co-wash: We do this every other week. Any more than that in the winter will make their hair break from being too dry. I use Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Condition: Immediately after shampooing, I apply leave in conditioner. The objective is to add some slippage for detangling. Right now I'm using Shea Moisture LeaveIn but I am not impressed.
Detangle: I still use the Denman detangling brush for this

Moisturize: At least every other day using the Jane Carter Nourish and Shine
blended with aloe vera.
So far so good; with each styling session, the girls protest less and I learn more about what to do and what not to do.